Sunday, April 12, 2020

One Whole Year (of this nonsense)

...give or take a couple of days. April 4th 2019 was the first post on here so it's like a year and a week or so, but whatever, close enough. Honestly I'm surprised it's still going, when I first started out I had a suspicion I'd quickly run out of things to write about. And while I've long since ran out of interesting things to write about, that's a whole 'nother matter...

Having said that, there's potential for covering new ground yet. Since discovering the joy of custom laser cutting I've made various new sets of things, polytans, polyiamonds, I even made a physical set of those 3½-ominoes I posted about a while back, replacing my original set that I'd cut out of the card from a box of cereal bars.

Anyway, for old times' sake, here's another heptomino construction. When I first started this blog one of my little ground rules was to include an image with every post, because when I was a teenager and first getting into polyominoes in a big way I gravitated to the sites like Andrew Clarke's Poly Pages with heaps of pictures all over them. Except I never understood why nearly every site seemed to use that greeny brown colour for all the illustrations. The international standard colour scheme for polyforms, I guess.
Fig. 1: The heptominoes in a long skinny hexagon with a single central hole.