Links to other, better Polyform Sites

I've been meaning to do this for ages, because while there are lots of sites about polyominoes and other polyforms on the World Wide Net, they're all sort of spread out all over the place.

First off, the solving software I sometimes mention in posts:

  • Peter Esser's site has solvers for polyominoes, polyiamonds, polyhexes and polycubes, and each has options for creating sets of pieces with half-squares, half-hexagons etc. so can be used for polyaboloes, polydrafters and other weird piece sets.
  • FlatPoly2 by Aad van de Wetering. This one allows you to specify custom piece sets, and is nice for enumerating all solutions for a shape. He also has solvers for other shapes too on there.

And some general polyform-related sites:

  • Mathpuzzle covers all sorts of recreational mathematics topics, but if you dig around there are some nice polyform-specific articles like these two on polyiamonds.
  • Льо Шевалие -Fully solved hexiamond/heptiamond shapes, i.e. where the total amount of solutions for the shape has been enumerated. And my introduction to the nice little graphs that illustrate the relationships between solutions.
  • Puzzle Zapper blog - All sorts of puzzles and recreational mathsy things on here, often with a polyform flavour to them.

I'll add more sites to this list when I find them.

I guess I should also put a link to my own site here, while I'm on. A lot of the content is just what's already on the blog, but it's a bit better laid out and there are a few little extra bits and bobs on there (or at least there will be when I've finished adding everything).

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