Saturday, August 24, 2019

"There's No Way I'd've Found That By Hand!" Vol. 1

At work I have a notebook. And in it there's surprisingly little pertaining to actual work, but lots of ideas, calculations and sketches for possible shapes that could be filled up with various sets of polyominoes or other polyforms. Most of these end up solved at home, then drawn up all pretty and posted on here, but there are some that I either try and can't do, or that just look so intimidating I don't even try. It's those jagged diagonal edges... I just have a right job doing them.

So, here's a little collection of solutions found with various programs, that I was too weak to suss out by myself.
In hindsight, this one doesn't look that bad, and I've solved similar in the past. I guess at the time I was just not feeling up for the challenge. I think (judging by the colour and scale of the image) this one was found using the solver on Peter Esser's site here.

I'll be honest, I didn't even attempt this one. I did the calculations to make sure that it was permitted by the parity constraints, then just despaired at the thought of having to actually solve it, central holes and all. But FlatPoly2 made short work of it, finding this in about five seconds flat.

Then there's this family of solutions I have no recollection of looking for but are in the folder called 'Polyominoes' so I may as well just post them for the hell of it.

 I think at this point, hexomino solutions just aren't the most impressive thing in the world any more, computer-found or not. But more interesting things like heptominoes take a while to do, and I've got driving lessons and band-related business to contend with on most evenings, so that stuff tends to take a back seat.
Actually, I've got a nice new shiny set of octiamonds that I've yet to do anything of note with... I'll have to have a little play around with those, see if I can create anything worth posting on here with them.

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