Friday, December 24, 2021

Merry Christmas! (feat. some heptominoes)

This is the problem since getting the new website set up: Every time I have something I want to post I'm unsure of whether to do it here or put it there. And in the indecision I end up doing neither. So the blog looks abandoned and the site doesn't get updated. You'd think after like what, eight months, I'd have figured out a strategy for doing both, like updating here first then working the new stuff into the web page at a later date, but nope. I'll have to add that to the ever-growing list of New Year's Resolutions.

I'm still solving things with the heptominoes and such like. (And still sobbing into large sets of polyiamonds 'cause the pieces just won't go...) But there's just not so much happening that I feel the need to tell the world about. Some day there will be - some day there'll be a little momentarily lapse in judgement and I'll find myself ordering a set of enneominoes so big they'd practically tile the entire floorspace of my flat - but until then it's just making similar shapes with the same sets of pieces and there's nothing to say about that which the past fifty blog posts haven't already said.

So for now, have this square ring with the internal holes not quite evenly spaced. They're spaced enough so that it looks pretty at first glance, but then you realise the spacings are 5-6-5 and once you notice that it'll just irk you for ever more.

And now it's telling me 'spacings' isn't a word. Lovely.

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